Conferences & Seminars

Besorah Institute hosts conferences, webinars, and seminars on a variety of topics related to Judaic-Christian studies and Biblical research.  Scholarly or noted experts in those areas of study are invited to come and present their research/writings.  These presentations are open to Besorah students and the general public.  The cost of the conferences and seminars varies. *Generous donations to the Institute help make it possible for us to offer many of our events for free. Besorah Institute is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Click here to donate.



The Book of Isaiah

A special webinar featuring Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum from Ariel Ministries and Ted Wright from Epic Archaeology.  Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 from 2:00 – 8:30 PM ET.  The cost will be $40 per attendee.  More information to come!

Registration opens at the end of December 2024.



Dr. Fruchtenbaum will be speaking on the Messianic prophecies in the book of Isaiah.  Ted Wright will be speaking on the archaeological findings pertaining to the book of Isaiah.


Ted Wright – 2:00 PM ET to 4:30 PM ET

Break between: 4:30 PM ET and 5:00 PM ET
Dr. Fruchtenbaum – 5:00 PM ET to 8:30 PM ET (Includes a half break dinner break)

Click here to register


PAST Besorah Events

A Historic Event!

Biblical Archaeology Alive & Well!

A special two-day webinar took place Oct. 18th and 20th, 2024.

Some of the top Biblical archaeologists and researchers in the nation are coming together for this online event to present the latest findings since 1890 that affirm Biblical history.  Watch Promo  created by LAMBNetwork.TV

Tentative Times for the Webinar (Handbook and schedule posted after event speakers.)

Friday, Oct. 18th – From 4:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET/3:00 PM – 7:30 PM CT

Sunday, Oct. 20th – From 3:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET/2:00 PM – 7:30 PM CT


CE credit available through TBS.  Scroll down the page for information.

This webinar will be recorded.  Registered participants will be able to view these recordings (view only) after the presentations for a limited period of time. 

Registration ends at 2:00 PM ET/1:00 PM CT on Sunday, October 20th, just before the second half of the webinar.


Featured during the event…

  •  Dr. Craig Evans, Houston Christian University
  •   Dr. Doug Petrovich, Brookes Bible College

  •  Dr. Scott Stripling, The Bible Seminary (TBS)

  •   Abigail (Leavitt) Van Huss, Associates for Biblical Research

  •   Ted Wright, Epic Archaeology

  • And other appearances by experts in the field.

  • Click on the blue line for the event handbook (includes topics covered) and schedule:  FINAL VERSION Handbook ALIVE & WELL Webinar  

The cost: $40 per attendee.

Contact the Institute for special group or student (seminary, Bible college, etc.) rates. FINAL VERSION Handbook ALIVE & WELL Webinar 

Registration ends at 2:00 PM ET/1:00 PM CT on Sunday, October 20th, just before the second half of the webinar.

Registrations can also be mailed to:  Besorah Institute, PO Box 278, Twinsburg, OH  44087


Your name(s)

Street address

Email address(es)

Phone number(s)

A check or money order.  (Payable to “Besorah Institute.”  Include “Oct. Alive and Well Webinar” in the memo line.)

Note: Registrations sent via mail should be sent at least a week before the webinar to make sure we have it in time to send you the Zoom link.

* * * * * * *

One CE credit is available through The Bible Seminary in Katy, TX, an accredited Christian seminary, for the Biblical Archaeology Alive & Well webinar.  The cost for that credit is $89 (paid to TBS).  This fee is in addition to the conference fee.  For more information, contact Besorah Institute at  We will put you in touch with the individual at TBS who is handling that CE credit.  


On Sunday, August 11th at 7:00 PM ET, members of The King’s Harpists (Israel) will be talking about harp ministry.  They will cover the history of the harp, it’s biblical significance, how the harp is used in ministry and spiritual warfare, how it is made, and much more.  Katharine van der Beek (Israel and the Nations) and Betsy Bouwhuizen will perform on their harps. You don’t want to miss this special educational and inspirational two-hour presentation!

This episode of From Our House to Yours, hosted by Lucille Van Alstine, will air on LAMBNetowrk.TV. The recording of the presentation will be posted on LAMB’s website afterwards to watch on demand if you miss it on Sunday.

(Pictured on the left in the photo are Katharine and Richard van der Beek.  On the right are Betsy and Herman Bouwhuizen.)


On Sunday, June 30th, 2024, Doctors Craig and Medine Keener talked about their book, Impossible Love: The True Story of an African Civil War, Miracles and Hope Against All Odds. It aired at 7:00 PM ET on LAMBNetwork.TV.


Sunday, June 2nd at 7:00 PM ET, Dr. Jen Rosner appeared on LAMBNetwork.TV.  She was interviewed by Dr. Lucille Van Alstine, from Besorah Institute.  

Jen is currently the Affiliate Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary.  She also holds academic posts at The King’s University, Azusa Pacific University, and Messianic Jewish Theological Institute.

Her areas of expertise are contemporary Jewish-Christian relations, Judaism and systematic theology.


New Testament Scholar, author, speaker, and seminary professor, Dr. Craig Keener, was our guest speaker on Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 PM ET.  His presentation aired live on LAMBNetwork.TVDr. Keener lectured on “The Reliability of the Gospels.”






Presented in November, 2023.

Alive in Messiah” – A Week-Long Event. November 12th through November 19th, 2023. Was aired on LAMBNetwork.TV

Click here to watch the event promo. (Note: Even though the promo makes reference to Ezekiel 37: 1-10, the Dry Bones passage, each presenter of this event will be talking about what Alive in Messiah means to them. They may not talk about this passage from the Bible in their presentation.)

Presented by Besorah Institute, A Light to the Nations Messianic Ministries, and LAMBNetwork.TV

Click on the highlighted link below for the complete event schedule and list of presenters.

Coming This Fall on LAMBNetwork


On Sunday, July 16th at 2:00 PM ET. Rev. Aaron Eime from CMJ Israel was live from Israel.

Rev. Eime lectured on “The Hebraic Roots of the Lord’s Prayer.” This presentation aired on LAMBNetwork.TV.


Sunday, August 6th at 4:00 PM ET, was a Personal Interview with Corry (formerly Bell) Keeler (Lev Shelo) and Randy Keeler. The couple talked about Messianic music, life in Messiah, and their individual ministries. They were interviewed by Lucille and Craig Van Alstine from Besorah Institute.

This presentation aired live on LAMBNetwork.TV.

The Keelers recently won the International Christian Film and Music Festival Award for Best Music Video. “Rain Down” can be watched by going to this YouTube link.

Corry and Randy Keeler (left)

Craig and Lucille (below)


Rescheduled for Sunday, September 10th at 4:00 PM ET. Sam Nadler from Word of Messiah Ministries.

Sam talked about his new book, Messiahs’s Seven Congregations. He was interviewed by Julie Scott, also from Word of Messiah Ministries. This presentation airded live on LAMBNetwork.TV.




To Watch Some of Our Past Online Besorah Events, click on this link to LAMB Network.TV.


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